Floralife Leafshine
Product Description
Floralife Leafshine
Add an appealing shine to all hard leaf foliage plants and fresh cut foliage in design arrangements to make them sparkle. This easy and ready to use product provides a natural and healthy look to the foliage.
For the Entire Floral Channel . . . Professional to End Consumer
Spray foliage plants to clean and enhance for greater appearance.
Shines up foliage for longer enjoyment of green potted plants and cut foliage in flower arrangements.
Add an appealing shine to all hard leaf foliage plants and fresh cut foliage in design arrangements to make them sparkle. This easy and ready to use product provides a natural and healthy look to the foliage.
For the Entire Floral Channel . . . Professional to End Consumer
Spray foliage plants to clean and enhance for greater appearance.
Shines up foliage for longer enjoyment of green potted plants and cut foliage in flower arrangements.